Md. Mobarak Hussain, Pankaj Kumar Tiwary and Anupama Singh
Psoriasis Vulgaris is a chronic, recurrent inflammatory dermatoses disease characterized by erythematous, scaly plaques due to increased epidermal cell turn over. Koebner’s phenomenon also known as Isomorphic phenomenon is defined as occurrence of new lesion of a dermatosis over previously uninvolved site following a trauma. Many skin diseases such as Lichen Planus, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Warts, Molluscum contagiosum etc. are known to exhibit Koebner’s phenomenon. Development of striae distensiae over abdomen is a common finding in person taking oral corticosteroids for long duration. Here we report a case of Psoriasis Vulgaris who also developed lesions over striae developed by taking oral corticosteroids by self-medication; Koebnerization.
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